
PAC Enduro Ride – Chilliwack Lake via back roads and FSR Sep 10, 2017

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Route difficulty:
Beginner +. The 210km route from Bruce’s Country Market to Chilliwack Lake and back to Mission Springs Brewing Company will take ~5 1/2 hours return, including a stop at the end of the lake.

The Route: Google Maps

Meet: 09:00
Bruce’s Country Market (240th St & Hwy 7)

Depart: 09:30
We’ll head over the Mission bridge on Hwy 11, east along Page road and over Sumas Mountain to the North parallel road, then work our way via No.3, Vedder Mountain and Columbia Valley Rd through Cultus Lake and on to Liumchen FSR. Liumchen FSR, the most technical part of this ride, will take us to Chilliwack Lake road then east to the Chilliwack River FSR and to the southern end of Chilliwack Lake. We’ll stop there on the bridge for a snack and chat.

Returning, we’ll take a right off Chilliwack Lake road onto Foley Creek FSR, continue onto Chilliwack Bench Rd and Elk View Rd, then head back to the North parallel road via Vedder Mountain Rd and #3 Rd. We’ll return north on Sumas Mountain Rd then left onto Dawson Rd to Hwy 11 and over the Mission bridge to end the ride at Mission Springs Brewing Company around 15:00.

What to Bring

  • Lunch and water.
  • Fuel for 200km
  • There are no facilities; washrooms are free in the bush
  • Tools – riders should be able to repair a flat. We’ll have some limited tools but you need to be self-sufficient to some degree
  • SPOT Locator – If you have one, bring it.
  • Riding gear – same as for the Enduro course.
  • Watch out for the cross ditches – don’t be caught sitting down!

Basic Group riding etiquette

  • For safety and to keep the group together, we’ll stop at intersections (or waypoints) to re-group before continuing.
  • Check behind you from time to time to confirm the rider following you is still there. Slow down or stop and wait until you see them before continuing.